İngilis dilində sözönü mövzusuna aid testlər
Aşağıda sözönü (prepositions) mövzusunda 25 test nümunəsi verilmişdir.
- The runner is anxioushis success in the competition.
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- Your criticisms are not applicablethe subject.
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- He looked ashamedhis foolishness.
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- He was accusedtheft by the police.
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- They felt quite certaintheir failure.
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- Please don’t be proudyour homework. I know you haven’t done it.
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- We are quite satisfiedthe result of the survey so far.
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- She is marrieda rich man.
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- He soon got involvedserious difficulties.
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- She was impatientthe arrival of her boyfriend.
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- The teacher is always impatientslow learners.
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- She was consciousbeing admired.
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- Her exam results are not correspondingher true abilities.
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- They are confidenthis parents for money.
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- He is not dependenthis parents for money.
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- Your conduct was not consistentyour usual politeness.
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- I’m ever so gratefulyou for help.
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- This material is inferiorthe kind we had last year.
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- Dr. Baker is very goodchildren.
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- He is capablebeing an excellent student.
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- I’m not accustomedbeing interrupted.
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- I don’t see why he is so unkindhis brother.
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- He was sickhunger. He hadn’t eaten anything for two days.
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- I can’t stop to talk to you now. I’m a bit shorttime.
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- The police are responsiblemaintaining law and order.
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Artikl testləri
Sözönü testləri