Müəllif haqqında
Film - teqləri
- Kamran Hacıyev
- 06 Nov, 2022
- 3 dəq

- absorbing film - bütün diqqətimizi çəkəcək qədər maraqlı film; It is an absorbing movie based on shocking real-life events.
- action movies - bir çox həyəcanlı səhnələri olan filmlər; Bruce Willis may be one of the best action movie actors ever.
- based on a true story - olmuş hadisələrə əsaslanan film; The film “Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom” is based on a true story.
- biopic movies - real şəxslərin həyatları haqqında olan film növü; I am fond of biopic movies because they let me learn many interesting facts about famous people.
- captivating movie - füsünkar film; All Marvel movies are captivating for me.
- cast - aktyor heyəti; Soon after the performance, the director held a party for the cast.
- (the) cinema - kinoteatr; She never goes to the cinema.
- comedy films - gülməli filmlər; Fantozzi is my favoured comedy film.
- credits - filmin sonunda (onun hazırlanmasına kömək edən) göstərilən şəxslərin listi; You can see from the credits that the scriptwriter had a lot of assistance.
- director - rejissor; I love the films which were produced by, the most popular film director, Christopher Nolan.
- documentary - sənədli filmlər, Documentaries are often narrated by well-known actors.
- drama films - dram filmləri; If you have caught coronavirus, you have to eat nutritious meals.
- family movies - bütün yaş qrupları üçün filmlər; I love watching family movies with my kids.
- genre - janr; Sci-fi is a fascinating genre because it involves real-world science with fictional scenarios.
- hilarious - çox gülməli, şən; Jim Carrey’s movies are so hilarious.
- horror films - qorxu filməri; It was Brad Harris's debut as a lead actor.
- lead actors - baş rol aktyorları; Sci-fi is a fascinating genre, because it involves real-world science with fictional scenarios.
- (highly) recommended - tövsiyə edilən; The film Godfather is one of the highly recommended movies.
- moving - təsirli; The film was so moving that she cried.
- mystery film - müəmma filmi; A mystery film is a genre of film that focuses on solution of a problem or a crime.
- plot - süjet; The film has a complicated plot that is sometimes difficult to understand.
- scene - janr; That is the scene when the lead actor dies.
- sci-fi films - elmi fantastika filmi; Sci-fi is a fascinating genre because it involves real-world science with fictional scenarios.
- screenwriter - ssenarist; There, Ernst Neubach worked as a screenwriter from 1938 to 1939.
- soundtrack - film musiqiləri; In my spare time, I love listening to soundtracks of my favourite films.
- thriller - elmi fantastika filmi; Sci-fi is a fascinating genre because it involves real-world science with fictional scenarios.