- Kamran Hacıyev
- 06 Nov, 2022
- 3 dəq

- aroma - yeməklərdən gələn xoş qoxunu bildirmək üçün istifadə edilir.; I absolutely love the aroma of tandoor bread.
- bake - peçdə bişirmək; Her mother bakes pakhlava at every Novruz.
- course - porsiya; I have only eaten one-course dolma, but I am full.
- cuisine - mətbəx; Do you like Italian cuisine?
- dairy product - süd məhsulları; Dairy products might provoke allergic reactions.
- delicious - dadlı; Did you make that cake? It looks delicious!
- dessert - desert; After dinner, we had ice cream for dessert.
- diet - pəhriz; She's on a very strict diet.
- dish - yemək; Students should learn to cook some dishes.
- fast food - fəstfud, ayaqüstü yemək; Doner kebab is my favoured fast food.
- fry - qızartmaq; Fry the onions until they soften.
- oily/greasy meals - yağlı yeməklər; The food was heavy and greasy.
- ingredients - inqrediyentlər; What ingredients are needed to make plov?
- junk food - tərkibi yağ, şəkər və duz ilə bol olan qeyri-sağlam qida; The tomatoes will give extra flavour to the sauce.
- nutritious - qidalı maddələrlə zəngin; If you have caught coronavirus, you have to eat nutritious meals.
- obesity - köklük; Obesity can increase the risk of heart disease.
- recipe - resept; Margarine can be substituted for butter in this recipe.
- seafood - dəniz qidaları; This dink goes particularly well with seafood.
- tasteless - dadsız; Why is aeroplane food always so tasteless?