Ən populyar sözlər

06 Nov, 2022


06 Nov, 2022


06 Nov, 2022

Müəllif haqqında
Kamran Hacıyev
Kamran Hacıyev

Arizona Universitetinin TESOL sertifikatına malikdir və 5 ildən artıq təcrübəsilə 400-dən çox tələbəyə dərs keçmişdir.

Onlayn dərslər üçün:


  • Kamran Hacıyev
    Kamran Hacıyev
  • 06 Nov, 2022
  • 3 dəq
  • academics - akademiklər; If you study at Cambridge University, you will be given lectures from top academics.
  • attend classes - dərsə getmək; She was sick and that is why could not attend classes.
  • bachelor’s degree - bakalavr dərəcəsi; He graduated in 2019 with a bachelor's degree in medicine.
  • bookworm - kitab; We have some coffee during the break.
  • break - fasilə; We have some coffee during the break.
  • cafeteria - bufet; In the cafeteria we serve ourselves.
  • campus - məktəb universitet ərazisi; In the cafeteria we serve ourselves.
  • compulsory education - icbari ümumi orta təhsil, Compulsory education is free for everyone.
  • distance learning - distant təhsil; I am thinking of studying bachelor’s degree through distance learning.
  • diploma - diplom; He is taking a diploma in management studies.
  • doctorate - doktorluq; He obtained his doctorate in Social Psychology.
  • drop out of university - universiteti atmaq; He decided to drop out of university.
  • higher education - ali təshil; She played a pioneering role in opening higher education to women.
  • humanities - ali təshil; I prefer science to the humanities.
  • illiterate - oxumağı, yazmağı bacarmayan; A large percentage of the population was illiterate in the 18th century.
  • internship - təcrübə proqramı; My classmate has just started his internship in a law office.
  • lecturer - universitet müəllimi, mühazirəçi; He's a lecturer in French at Oxford.
  • lecture theatre/hall - mühazirə zalı; There are about 250 students in the lecture hall.
  • (student) loan - tələbə krediti; It took five years to repay my student loan.
  • master’s degree - magistr dərəcəsi; Nowadays many people want to study master’s degree abroad.
  • peer - bizimlə eyni yaşa, sosial statusa və ya bacarıqlara sahib olan şəxs; She can’t spend enough time with her peers.
  • play truant - icazəsiz dərləri buraxmaq; The teacher supposed that the absent pupil was ill, but some of his friends suspected he was playing truant.
  • postgraduate - məzun olduqdan sonra həmin ixtisasın daha üstün dərəcəsi; The national anthems of both teams are played before football matches.
  • primary school - ibtidai məktəb; Nowadays primary education is more complex than secondary education.
  • private school - özəl məktəb; I can't afford to send my kid to private school.
  • qualification - lazımi bacarıqlara sahib olmağı göstərən sənəd; She gained a qualification in marketing.
  • research - araşdırma, tədqiqat; I'm still doing research for my thesis.
  • retake an exam - təkrarlamaq; Anyone who scores under 70 percent will have to retake the exam.
  • revise - təkrarlamaq; I am revising chemistry for the test tomorrow.
  • science - təbiət elmləri; I loved science when I studied at school.
  • scholarship - təqaüd; He won a scholarship to Cambridge University.
  • school uniform - məktəbli forması; I hated wearing a school uniform.
  • secondary school - orta məktəb; Children usually transfer to secondary school at 10 or 11.
  • skip classes - dərsləri buraxmaq; Did you go to a state school or a private school?
  • state school - dövlət məktəbi; Did you go to a state school or a private school?
  • tertiary education - ali təhsil; Many Azerbaijani students pursue their tertiary education in Baku.
  • tuition fees - təhsil haqqı; The increasing university tuition fee gives parents anxiety.
  • undergraduate - universitet, kollec tələbəsi; When I was an undergraduate student studying sociology we were all warned of the dangers of romanticism.

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