- Kamran Hacıyev
- 18 Aug, 2023
- 2 dəq

Meditation: A Time-Honored Practice for Inner Peace and Well-being
The term "meditation" refers to a practice where individuals employ various techniques, such as mindfulness or focusing their minds on specific objects, thoughts, or activities. The ultimate goal of meditation is to train attention and awareness, leading to a mentally clear, emotionally calm, and stable state of mind.
Throughout history, meditation has been an integral part of many religious traditions and beliefs, often considered a path towards enlightenment and self-realization. Over time, this ancient practice has transcended its origins and spread to different cultures, becoming a common aspect of private and business life since the 19th century.
The process of meditation does not necessitate specialized equipment or dedicated spaces. It can generally be categorized into two main types:
Focused (or concentrative) meditation: This involves intentionally directing attention towards a chosen object, breath, image, or words.
Open monitoring (or mindfulness) meditation: This involves being aware of all mental events that arise within one's consciousness.
For beginners, it is recommended to start with short meditation sessions, perhaps just three minutes in duration, following these four steps:
Find a comfortable position. Close your eyes. Breathe naturally. Focus your attention on your breath.
During meditation, it is important to be mindful of the body's responses to each inhalation and exhalation. Pay attention to the movement of the chest, belly, and shoulders as you breathe.
The practice of meditation has proven to be beneficial in numerous ways. It aims to relax the mind and body, leading to improved psychological balance, better management of illnesses, and enhanced overall health and well-being. Some of the benefits associated with meditation, as highlighted by experts, include:
Reduction of stress. Control of anxiety. Promotion of emotional health. Enhancement of self-awareness. Lengthening of attention span. Reduction of age-related memory loss. Cultivation of kindness and compassion. Support in treating addictions. Improvement of sleep quality. Effective pain management. Lowering of blood pressure.
Meditation offers a time-tested approach to finding inner peace, enhancing mental and emotional resilience, and fostering a healthier and more balanced lifestyle. Embracing this ancient practice can lead to a greater sense of harmony and well-being in our increasingly fast-paced and hectic world.